I am currently a Research Assistant at Aran Lab, working on developing machine learning and deep learning tools for analyzing biological data, primarily single-cell RNA sequencing data. I am also interested in causal discovery in that domain, among others. Before joining Aran Lab, I was exploring research avenues in the intersection between deep learning and genomics (mainly NLP related) with Prof. Volodymyr Kuleshov’s group at Cornell University as a student researcher. Prior to that I was working as an algorithm developer and a data scientist in various fields such as physiological signal processing and time series analysis. In between, I also completed my undergraduate degree in Computer Science at the Technion, focusing on algorithmics (mainly ML/DL) and bioinformatics, and was supported by the Rothchild Fellowship for academic excellence.
BSc in Computer Science 2023, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Student Researcher at the Kuleshov Group, Cornell University, CS Department, 2022-2023
Algorithm Developer at Wearable Devices, Wearable Devices Ltd., 2020-2023
Data Scientist at, Ramat Gan Municipality, Strategic Planning Department